eCOMMERCE website - Online Business

Lease Hunter
Project Type:
eCOMMERCE utilizing PayPal, Hunting lease offers with descriptions, images and mapping, Classified Ads, Photo Gallery, Online advertising utilizing Google's advertising system.
Major Technologies Used:
Drupal 7, Extensive Custom Modules, PHP/MySQL, Google Adwords, Google AdSense, Google Mapping, eMUNICATIONS' custom admin dashboard for updating content
Project Description:
The Lease Hunter web site has one of the most complete databases of Texas Hunting Leases, the US and throughout the world. LeaseHunter has been a very long-term client of eMUNICATIONS (since 2011). LeaseHunter is a true online business. Hunting Lease Owners can post their lease offerings at no charge. Site visitors establish an account for a low monthly fee to search the leases and get the contact information of the lease owner. When the folks at came to eMUNICATIONS we redesigned the whole concept of the website and put in several new revenue channels increasing the over all revenue of the business by 40% The site has a lot of automated features including a monthly newsletter, mapping of the leases when an address or zip code is entered, classified ads that need no internal management. And all services of the website have a charge that is processed by PayPal just dropping cash into the owners bank accounts.