
I'll be speaking at this weekend

Sat, 03/18/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

 I'll be speaking at this weekend about module development, be sure to come down and check it out as it's sure to be an interesting presentation. I've crammed a lot into 40 minutes, so everyone should walk away with something new. The presentation will be archived and made available here and on the site, so check back if you miss the conference. 

Login issues? Check your domain for underscores

Mon, 02/13/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

I recently migrated a Wordpress installation to a new site, and when demoing the new install I found I was unable to login. I checked the usual places, database had the correct url, there were no funky redirects and I disabled ALL the plugins. This led to 30 minutes of hair pulling confusion and frustration. Login worked from Firefox on my desktop, but failed in Safari and from every other machine I tried it on. This was strange because the installation was fine on the other URL, there had been no changes to the files.

Development of a CCK Webform Module

Wed, 12/14/2016 - 11:41 -- admin

While planning for the Fort Bend Women's Center charity event that we sponsored, I was tossing ideas back and forth about how to handle the requests for pickup of donated goods for the thrift store. Webform does a great job of getting you halfway there, but the submissions aren't exposed to views and it doesn't give you access to the full featureset available to CCK.

The mother of invention being necessity, I set to work creating the module that would allow the use of any content type (with certain requirements) to be used as a webform.




Build a Better Paintball Website

Sun, 11/20/2016 - 11:41 -- admin

Here at eMUNICATIONS we love to play paintball. The game has a lot to offer: teamwork, adrenaline, exercise, and good old-fashioned sunlight (something usually alien to the eMUNICATIONS team).

Naturally, we also like good quality websites (something usually alien to the paintball community). Most paintball websites I’ve come across are in a state of disrepair -- there’s usually little to no thought of the end-user, core information is hard to find, and very few of them are using social media in a useful way.


A Few CSS Snippits That I Can’t Live Without

Wed, 07/06/2016 - 11:41 -- admin

CSS snippets are a great way to save time while developing CSS on your site. If you frequently find yourself using the same batch of CSS, it’s probably a good idea to save them to some sort of snippet library. If you don’t already have a library of CSS snippets, here are a few to get your collection going:


1. Rounded Corners:


-moz-border-radius: 10px;

-WebKit-border-radius: 10px;

border-radius: 10px; /* future proofing */

Designing Creatively in a Fast-Paced Work Environment

Tue, 06/14/2016 - 11:41 -- admin

Maintaining creativity in a fast-paced work environment can sometimes be akin to a doctor performing an operation, on a plane, in severe turbulence. For most, creativity doesn’t subscribe to the “9 to 5” and certainly not in situations where time is of the essence.

Aside from brainstorming practices, here are a few things I’ve practiced over the years to help me avoid creative doldrums at the workplace:


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