
We're Ranking High on Footer Fetish!

Thu, 03/08/2018 - 11:41 -- admin

eMUNICATIONS' own Ryan Martin has moved into second place on Footer Fetish! Because Ryan has something of a footer fetish anyway, this honor only seems appropriate. 

Ryan's entry in the graphic design contest is from the Foster Creek Veterinary Hospital website. Go check out the whole website design and then click over to Footer Fetish to vote for Ryan's footer graphic design. Go Ryan!

White Space Is Not Your Enemy

Sat, 02/10/2018 - 11:41 -- admin

The term "White Space" is often misused; many believe that it refers to any space in a design that's white. White space actually refers to the "negative space" of a composition. It's not simply "blank" or "unused" space, it plays a key role in the design process.

eMUNICATIONS Goes Paintballing!

Sun, 01/14/2018 - 11:41 -- admin

Armed and dangerous, the emunications team set out on an arguably friendly game of paintball. Quality assurance teamed up with design for what we call, "shooting fish in a barrel" - and by fish, we mean Jason and Kevin. On just the second game, I spotted someone atop a building looking down on my teammates. That someone was Jason, who seconds later took a swift paintball to the face. Sure he was on the same team, but he's just a programmer - no need to fret.

On the last game of the day, I took it upon myself to do what so few have had the opportunity to do...

Understanding Your Role in the Design Process: Problems, Not Solutions

Tue, 12/12/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

In terms of aesthetics, design is by and large a tool to convey a message to your users. Are you a large company? Are you professional? Do you have a sense of humor? Or simply (and most importantly), “What is it that you do?” These are all questions that will be answered for your users in fewer than 5 seconds of viewing your website, so it’s important you’re sending the right message. Just because you’re a small company doesn’t mean your site needs to be presented as such. There are several steps you can take to assure yourself that you’ll end up with a top-notch website design:

jQuery quickie for zebra highlighting in tables

Tue, 11/14/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

If you haven't taken the time to check out this framework you absolutely must do so now. jQuery allows you to accomplish so much more with so much little. It may be a little arcane to look at the first time, but after a little research, you'll wonder how you lived without it. Case in point, here's a quick script to add zebra highlighting to a table with id 'myTable'.

// Do zebra highlighting $("#myTableID tr:even").addClass('altrow');

This code can be added to an existing page and automagically apply the styles necessary. (You'll still have to define the style in your css)

Dynamic sorting in Views for Drupal

Fri, 09/01/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

A common problem that I see when working with non-table views is dynamic sorting. It seems as if there's no easy way to make use of the sort functionality that views provides without using the table style. This is the method that I use to get around the problem. I'm not the first to do it this way, and I'm also not convinced it's the easiest way to do it. But it does work and we've used it without trouble.

WebAid 2010 The Drupal Event to Benefit Fort Bend Women's Center

Fri, 05/12/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

WebAid 2010 is an event sponsored by, Inc., to benefit the Fort Bend Women's Center. This year's event will be held at the Vineyard on the Square in the Sugar Land Town Square on July 17.

With the generous help of the Houston Drupal Users Group, we are going to design, program and launch a full-featured website with an ecommerce store in just one day. In addition to benefitting the Fort Bend Women's Center, this event is to display the abilities of the individual members of the Houston Drupal Users Group and the power of the Drupal programming environment.

Drupal PCI compliance issues with user login form

Mon, 04/10/2017 - 11:41 -- admin

 Here's another quick one,

 We recently had a client report that they received a PCI violation because Drupal login forms do not feature the "autocomplete=off" attribute. This could be fixed with a custom template, or hacking core (!!!) but I whipped up this quick module to fix it instead, so that I wouldn't have to worry about issues integrating with client templates and could distribute the module out over our entire farm.



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